If You Don't do it, You Don't Really Believe it. Some people spend their whole time searching for what's right, but they can't seem to find any time to practice it. Your life story is not written with a pen, but with your actions. To do nothing is the way to be nothing.

Monday, April 7, 2008

the weekend that was

i finally "graduate from my "p" license as i collect the lesen "besar" on saturday, which resulted to me driving this morning all the way to cyber. or just to train me to drive long distance since i be moving soon and i hardly drive around KL.
well, after collecting the license, me and my sister went to Bansar Village. Basil. a Thai "nudle bar"- according to them la. they have a few branch around and 2 at 1u, with different name. the one we ate for new year's eve, ash, if u remember. anyways, according to my sister, the place is owned by one of my dad's fren, and my sister have been there for lots of time with him. argh!! the down side of staying FAR.the bihun red tom yam was great. spicy but not too spicy. and since she just got her pay, she paid for ONCE!follow her shop in the morning after she dropped off her office coat for dry cleaning. so now u know where i got my patience for waiting for people shopping? some few funny t-shirt caught my eyes too, and so do my shirt for prom, but den again, am on a tight budget. oh well... in the evening my sister and my parents go furniture hunting. i decided not to go, so i stayed home layaning Jane, Jane Monheit on the player while doin Matrix. which remind me that i din not get her latest album yet, but den AGAIN!, BUDGET!. the only singer that i buy the ori copy. and hopefully she come here for a concert.plus the day is rainy, and i feel like layaning jazzy music, so there goes my evening. watched the arsenal and liverpool match and after that some Akedemi Fantasia, i have to say, this season, the standard getting lower and lower. den off again revising MAths, and did some research for presentation on Tuesday- TOMORROW!!!, oh ya, my brother came back during the first half of the football match. not to forgetting that i go for Ramli burger hunting after akedemi fantasia. i wanted Roti tissue at ss2 or go Murni, but den again, the elder siblings wanted Burger. so From BSC to Ali Maju @ help, to Bangsar, finally there only 1 stall opened at the Lrt. 3 ramli for 8bux. the hell? on the way back i got some escort from some old frens. the mat rempit people, happen to know both of them so, the 2 bike escort my car to my hse. :p think i done at 3 am that nite, slept after math.
sunday morning, the rain was not pouring, instead my bro's hp normally being a pest. keep on bising. and the person himself also bising ask everyone wake up for breakfast. i don feel too good, but have to layan, since its rare that everyone is back. we accompany our parents to go teak wood furniture hunting, mirror and also lighting hunting. tiring day, my head spins and its SO hot. watch the man U match. i know i always got a bad feeling when they play boro. man U barely get the point. a disappointing nite. but the weekend also been disappointing really.oh well, thats life i suppose.


Anonymous said...

welcome to the NON-P zone...ur finally here wahahah~

Anonymous said...

chubby oledi... hee hee

julian said...

who? me or u?