If You Don't do it, You Don't Really Believe it. Some people spend their whole time searching for what's right, but they can't seem to find any time to practice it. Your life story is not written with a pen, but with your actions. To do nothing is the way to be nothing.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Those bygone year

Finally a weekend that I am home. May have been quite a hectic month with a lot of traveling to do. I believe this is the only weekend am home.the last was i believe was the election weekend. 

I feel that us human including myself is a funny creature. We wish to be in the future but when the time arrived, we wish to be in the past. Confused? Take example that when you are in school you wish to be in the working world and vice versa. 

Facebook have been quite a useful tool to remind us of this. Not only it good to stalk people, but the pictures and comment that we wrote are painted there and it brings back memories. Not only how we dress up then and now, also how our thought process have grown. 

Looking back at my own pictures, friends farewell before they further their studies abroad,uni trips,come graduation, and the annual meet up when everyone is working. It quite a transformation, and this timeline or storyline will continue,when the next chapter will probably, a house warming, wedding follows by child birth. This will be the normal cycle. 

But will everyone be in the same picture?as per the previous chapters? It is a normally cycle upon graduation, we all set sail to our own path and destination.once work, a new set of friends will exist. Those are the people that we will most likely share our tears and joy on a daily basis.

Unless you are working together with your 'old' friend, separation due to work its course. It will be down to how much you want to keep in touch with the old friends.

I have observe a lot of thing have happened just between the period of 12 months. Jan 12 to jan 13. Well, our work load will be more than before at work as the 'experience' kicks in. All this makes me notice that time is really moving very very fast. Even the busy month of may i have yet able to digest. Some would say, 'welcome to the real world' but those bygone years will be one that we will cherish the most.