If You Don't do it, You Don't Really Believe it. Some people spend their whole time searching for what's right, but they can't seem to find any time to practice it. Your life story is not written with a pen, but with your actions. To do nothing is the way to be nothing.

Friday, May 16, 2008

a year ago..

smiles-during astro nature futsal tournament

finals almost finishing. with one more paper on wednesday, the only good luck sms was from mom yesterday, but the paper was a disaster. its almost a year since i be in cyber, its almost a year since i left Melaka.

the similarities between Melaka and cyber:

  • there are aeroplanes constantly on the air, Melaka was the smaller plane and for the student to learn, and in cyber, those in that fly overseas and Klia is just a stone throw away.

  • the people i hang out with is almost the same group of people

  • its hot!

  • it cost more than 10 bux to go home.

the difference

  • its nearer to home

  • less conflict in Melaka

  • the choices of food in Melaka is more

  • the price in Cyber is way higher for practically anything. you can get a burger here for 7 bux and over there the most will cost you 2.50?

now-mode of transport

before-mode of transport

my crib before

crazy people
class farewell

i still remember of those last day in Melaka. as i was waiting for my dad to come from KL and bro from JB.to get all my stuff. i vow not to return again, i dont look back at the gate when i left ixora. guess the reason i don like it there cause its far from home. the main reason for me shifting to cyber is to be near with those that are close to my heart. even for just a few months. and all those time and memories i had, is the sweetest and its up there with those great time that i cant and wont forget.some might say am crazy,but if only you are in my shoes,how the effect of the things that i don appreciate before, is deep inside me, tho sometimes it seems am trying too hard for it, but..... i guess it can only be explain if and only if you experience it first hand. for example, getting rape, of course we can c and feel for the victim, but what goes on, in the mind of the victim nobody knows, only the victim him/herself only knows. crazy decision, when mechanical is much more related in the field i would like to be in, for example, pilot or F1 engineer. listening to Rachel saying how her lab have lots of welding work and stuff, had me nothing to say. its my choice, crazy or not, or some might not willing to do just because of a few months, guess i have to live with it for 3 more years.


family smiles

a year ago too, i remember the time i heard from an sms from my sister at the early hour of the day saying the ticket to rome is already been bought. somehow at the airport, i feel its hard to leave.although i should be over the moon with a great holiday. when i got my first sms in the hotel room in Florence it says "i cant stop talking about you, my friends think am crazy" and " how the chinese general think the number 4 is unlucky, but am lucky to have 4 wonderful month with you". my smile was obvious for anyone to see, the tiredness of carrying the backpack full of water and jacket seems nothing, instead, i volunteer to carry it.and it is more obvious when i eat again and again and agian, of all the italian food, even after the hotel breakfast.

air asia

a year ago, i was driven by Mohan, the company driver to Air Asia training center, to take the cadet pilot exam. as soon as i got the email from them, i know i was jumping for joy, calling ash, and hit the ixora gym straight away. there i met Jason, and Jazman. about another chinese dude. everyone there are inspired to be pilot. i was so impressed by their knowledge. Jazman especially, as he is a fellow Kelantanese, and his dad was there too. now he is likely to graduate from the flying school in Kelantan, as he went privately. what actually happened in the exam room, only me,myself only knows. on my mind that time, was how fun it is, to live in the same house in SK,with all my frens, although that din not work out, and like they say, the rest of the exam is history..


happiness that cant describe by words

we are one, but even the watch is broken now

hoping she thinking of me....

a year have passed, seems like it just a blink of an eye. i got a phone call earlier says " we shifting tomorrow, so you don't have change to sleep in bangsar no more". instead of planning to go on holiday a year ago, am shifting house this time around, instead of receiving smses that make my day, i dont receive any. instead of tasting colorful italian cusine, i will discover the beautiful art of Bah kut teh, rojak and also great seafood plus steamboat too. if i would sum things up, my life is like a sine wave, up down up down up down up down up down up down..


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