lots of well wishes i receive as ashley leave to UK.. i would like thank all of it. most of it sayin that so i wont be sad etc.. but i guess i just cant help it but missing her badly each and everyday.
but then, lots of things unfold while is is gone.. like todAy.. my computer assignment group have been called up to see our lecturer, Ms Florence. apparently our programming code are simliar with the one on a few internet forum and also similar to the other group as well.. but in actual fact, none of our group copy from the web or other group. so all of us rushed to cyberjaya this morning to prove our innocent. the verdict will b on monday.sigh...
today too my mom suppose to fly back after she visited my grandma.. come back with lots and lots and lots of food.. and not forgotten my badminton shoes.. i hope she din forget that. but SADLY.. she need to cancel her flight as my grandma was admitted to the hospital. no news now from the hospital. once i heard the news, i always fear for the worst, since my grandma is NOT getting any younger by the day.. if ANY bad stuff happens.. mayb i would feel bad for life. because mayb i can b by her side if i went back on monday. but then again, i to will regeret if i din see ashley off on wednesday.
the 1 thing that caught my eyes during this past ashley-less day is that night when i chatted with my sister on MSN.. its about her bf. its NOTHING bad bout her having bf at her age but the thing is he is a SINGH. a punjabi. no offence to indian or any sub races like punjabi.. but i always get this impression that the indian guy love to get drunk and hit thier wife. no this is not any make up story that i made to deny or not to accept him, but there are lots of story u can hear from ppl around and there also reports in the newspaper and also news on tv. so its a proven thing.. yes mayb not ALL of them are bad.. but thats the impression they gave mayb because one or two rotten apple. mayb am being over protective over my older sister, but hey.. wont any brother would do the same?adding the fact that the older brother being useles and being just a pest with distubing and making matter worst.YES at 1 point i was against it too. but after talking to her and listening how he make her happy, make me reconsider my tought. am not saying that i would accept him, but its still pending. mayb some would say i don stand on my belief and being a hypocrite if i would accpet him. but no matter what happen she is still my sister. mayb i don show lots of love but she still a family. and been brought up and taught by parents to help family. so maybe 1 day, i will loosen the screw and maybe perhaps convince my parents to accept him. but he still need to go thru various test first.as sister always have a soft spot in a brother's heart, maybei will be a "hypocrite" as label by some. but if ANY would label me that i just feel sorry for them because they probably don hav any love in their family. maybe wai luen was right.. "just accept it" that what he says..
on the other side, i always feel pity for those who don really do well in school last time, those rempit and all. once i heard from one of them, they are working in 7 11 store. its a pity really. but i got this strong feeling that maybe its in the family. they don't have the attention they seek i assume from their parents. and they rebel by doin crazy stuff like skipping school, smoking and do drugs. maybe their parents are busy finding hard earn cash just enough to provide for the family as most of them are from a not a well off family. maybe am just a busybody, i mean my grades at mmu is not somthing that could b proud of, but than again, i got this tendecy of being a busybody i assume. i mean, i have this cousin who gonna face pmr next year i think. from what i heard she have a really low self confidence because of the lack of attention. i mean grades like 65-70 are really is good enough at that age. before am taking all my small cousin to a trip to genting in mid december, my mom suggested to my uncle to sent her here. my busy body-ness perhaps wanting me to volunteer to be her tutor or something. am saying busy body because, i cant even score well in my studies now but i wan to help others to study..this is bad because i have to be selfish sometimes at least to cover my own backyard before medling into others business.
but some i just feel like they deserve it..get it? i know 1 guy who parents finish about 20k just for 1 semester at a private collage, but he refuse to study. 1 semester cost so much because he repeat twice and still fail. for me there are 2 type of ppl. maybe you are not gifted intelligent-ly but as long as u r hardworking, you are bound to earn a living, and there are some even a 5 figure salary a month! but if u are lazy.. well, you are gone.yesterday too i was at the tasik selatan KTM station buyin ticket, as one of the machine is out of order, 1 man said "panggil encik tu, asyik berborak saja dgn staft lain" that lazy station master was apparently a father of a person i know. yes i could have make a fuss and the station master would get an ear full, or mayb got suspended. but than again, he is a fahter of a person i know. i was thinking,in a dillema, if i tell bout the station master, he will be in trouble and it wont be pretty trust me. a middle aged man get scolding but if i don tell, how bout all the consumer and plus its" visit malaysia year" its even written in the train ticket.
i choose to keep my silence. maybe am being a busybody..thinking so much...thus.. "its not easy to be me..."- five for fighting