september have very significant meaning to me. lots of important life event happens in september, it might not be those happy and jolly feeling, but still.. it makes me who i am and make me gain some experience.
- first of the september that i could remember is in 1998. Malaysia play host to the commenwelth games.. but for me, its a journey, a milestone, the begin of a new adventure, as thats the time when i leave my old, quiet hometown and shifted to fast, noise and complicated KL.
- the moment greenday release the song, i was preparing for my spm in 2005, that time i really wish the SPM would end the approaching nearer to the exam, the stress level can be really on a high.
- in 2006, during september, was preparing for my first ever final exam in MMU, and next was the semester break. how i was dying for the time to go faster so i could go back home.
- this year, well... this year's september was really tough, it a beginning of another journey of life for me i suppose. Ashley leave for UK, to further her matter how i try putting on a brave face, a whole lot of me still miss her dearly. i guess, only me and God above only knows how i go thru days, and the nights.
"you know they say life is short, they say u wake up one day, on the day, all your dream and the things u wanted, gone just like that... people...people get old and things changes and situation changed, and what i wan is, just i want this moment and right now this day, my feeling for u the way u look right now, they way u look right now.. i wan it last forever, i love you."
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