If You Don't do it, You Don't Really Believe it. Some people spend their whole time searching for what's right, but they can't seem to find any time to practice it. Your life story is not written with a pen, but with your actions. To do nothing is the way to be nothing.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

aku rasa macam...

after looking at my spending so far this month, 3/4 gone! :( but...

now i feel like...

goin here

as i have...

shoe fetish now..


my perfume is running out

mmu banning the wearing of shorts...

as an excuse..

or i just have to wait for christmas?

i used to dream of...

walking on the street of Paris with someone special

but now would prefer...

a motorbike,a guide,the wind and an untouched island like kok samed

lots of doors are closed on me,

but i still want to open the door for others


i like to see, smiles on other's face!

because of i sayang her a LOT

considering whether should get her this for her b'day

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