If You Don't do it, You Don't Really Believe it. Some people spend their whole time searching for what's right, but they can't seem to find any time to practice it. Your life story is not written with a pen, but with your actions. To do nothing is the way to be nothing.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Did something that I regret.I turned down my early birthday gift during the weekend. I was a invited to be one of the 500 delegates for the YES conference. Somehow, my nerve got to me.Now am kicking myself, the chance to meet people I admire like Tony.

Another YES is the Year End Sale which will happen this Sunday if am not mistaken. As i trying to hide my disappointment in myself, probably a shopping therapy might work, plus its been a long time since I've shop, and I got a bundle of list to finish, especially with Christmas is coming.

I gotta admit that this week should be good. I mean my assignment looks almost done *finger cross* now and the dateline is tomorrow. Guess am still disappointed and trying to look forward as nothing can be done already. To add more salt to injury,there is an Asian BP this weekend in Bangkok. would be nice to have a swan song tournament, and to meet up with everyone, jo, prae,liying,lukmo,farai and my sister from another mother sue who said wanted being me go Russia... Would be interesting to see how the coach,Tate face if he see me there with other uni tickets. Sometime I could be a bad influence, but I think i did good with Cav. Talking her into debate and also body combat when I was doing kickboxing. Would be nice to see how the apprentice's team do in their debut in a prestigious event. Guess all I could do is see their FB picture, and listening to Prae commenting, and this will be a story of 'how she met cav'

Put a smile, and the Christmas song on and pretend none of those excitement is happening, and prepare for Monday's midterm. "its that time of year, where the world fall in love,every song you hear seems to say merry christmas dream came true"

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