If You Don't do it, You Don't Really Believe it. Some people spend their whole time searching for what's right, but they can't seem to find any time to practice it. Your life story is not written with a pen, but with your actions. To do nothing is the way to be nothing.

Friday, November 6, 2009

gomo kelate gomo

Aku ore kelate, tapi dok penoh tengok kelate maie bola, tahon lepah, kelate kaloh kat final, tapi tahon ni, kelate masok final pulok lepah mene denga Perlih maso semi. Wala-pong banyok ha dulu denge keto polih pong ore kelate bakar, coach mat saleh dio tingga, kelate tetak kelate-lah, tetak bersatu. aku asyik tengok MU,MU jah, wala-pong tingga KL ko, Melaka ko, klang ko, tapi gak, hati aku tetak kelate. male esok aku harak, Kelate boleh gomo negeri. masok sebaga favourites, denge sokonge kuak ore kelate hok sokmo semangak. Male esok, harak harak kelate bulleh mene lepah pak puloh tahon lebih doh dok mene pialo nih. hok panda tu pon aku raso mesti dok panda apo ambo kechek nih, guno babel fish pong dok leh translate. sebelong aku abih, aku nok royak, "gomo kelate gomo abih teh "

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