If You Don't do it, You Don't Really Believe it. Some people spend their whole time searching for what's right, but they can't seem to find any time to practice it. Your life story is not written with a pen, but with your actions. To do nothing is the way to be nothing.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

wat i SHOULD b...

yesterday i was walking with ashley at village.. and she asked me.. " if you don do the pilot thing, what would you wan to do". interesting question.. i cant answer her in the end. not being able to b Pilot is a HUGE blow to me. i mean.. i wanted to so bad.. since i was small.. mayb around 8? my dad took me to the airport to fetch my mom as she fly to KL for work. my first time to c aeroplane up close.. i normally c it in tv or up the sky...i was small and it look like a mega structure. i always wonder that time, when Dr.M and Dato Sri Anuar was the prime minister and the deputy... how do they go to meetings in other country.. it is because i always c them in news. i used to think they go into this lift and with ultra fast velocity.. forgive me.. too much of transformafers and lego i guess. i always wonder how is snow like, how its like having 4 season, since the christmas story ALWAYS have snow.. and Malaysia always rain in december.. so i take december is our winter.. since its cold and stuff.. what an imaginative child huh? hehehehehe.. those were the days where u don hav to worry for anything. money, meal, results, responsibility all that. its great NOT to grow old huh? i also lots of new places, i mean on tv, books. i wanna go all that place. wan experience it, hows life there and stuff. and put 2 and 2 2gather.... being a pilot hav been a dream, and ambition. i work for it.. and take it as a motivation everytime there are exam especially those major one.

the longest thing that i wanted, now almost gone...but if i don b a pilot, i dono what would i b.i do hav this interst in economic and business, tho i never study any of those subject before....like the IRD ( iskandar region development) which will b another mega project for our country and attract company from all over the region, there also tax cuts. which will do good for our economy. and our stock also break the 1000 plus barrier, the highest since the economy melt down. i dono.. stuff like this just make me read more.. there are interest in that i assume. i alson wonder why ppl keep thinking why China is the fat PIG.. of course the business and economy there is picking up, but if we can conquer our region, south east asia, where there are more than 100 million ppl, wont we b successful already? the thing with china is, there are TOO much of competition. if we focus on our region only, we also helped our nation to develop, and put our country on the track...

i dono what am saying... herm.....till then, i heard there are no internet access yet at my place in CYBER, deepest apology if i di update.. all the best for those A level ppl taking exam now and enjoy u r holidays, and those that gonna start study again, ppl like bob... have fun... till then GOD bless

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