If You Don't do it, You Don't Really Believe it. Some people spend their whole time searching for what's right, but they can't seem to find any time to practice it. Your life story is not written with a pen, but with your actions. To do nothing is the way to be nothing.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Live like you were dying

That is the title of the song sang by Tim Mcgraw and the American Idol winner Scotty. It literally means living life to the max, as if everything gonna end. I feel I did it for the early 7 months of 2011 until uni life ends in June....

I went : 

Airplane flying 

Marathon running

60 minutes with a burger call "Goliath"

and love deeper

Spoke sweeter

and give forgiveness that I've been denying

And I hope someday you get the chance, to live like you were dying!
Happy new year, 2012. Says a lot from facebook or smses. Its the new year again, the Mayan's says it will be the end of the world, on 20th December. I still remember the way I've ushered 2011, where was on my way back to Cyberjaya from my Final Year Project in Melaka, got 2 regular pizza and continue work on it. E-1-B the house that I've rented for the past 4 years, are empty as the rest went to celebrate. For that 7 months, I've really work for my thesis. Although the outcome is not what I've expected, a B+, I feel it is a great injustice even after appealing. But like all the exams I feel that I've given my all, thus there are no regrets.

2011 have been a good year. but there are also a significant loss I feel. As only when I beginning to enjoy my time in university, time is up.And time to say goodbye. My wish is to have a meal each with those few group of friend of mine. Probably at Hb with the hostel friends, or SK hawker with the other gang, or just random crazy meal with the housemates, even the nasi lemak from indon with the roommate.

But life is never what you wish for. Now everyone on different path of life. How many will still keep in touch it will tell in few years. I always evaluate it, when 2 friends meet again after a long period, how "mesra" their relationship is, is it the same of they are out of topic to chat.

One of the most important thing I've learn for the past 4 years is 'Togetherness'. Friendship, Courtship, Family. Thank you all for making my 4 years special, hope we all can be together again. One day.

As for 2012, there is only one thing for certain, that I've know of, financial difficulty.