If You Don't do it, You Don't Really Believe it. Some people spend their whole time searching for what's right, but they can't seem to find any time to practice it. Your life story is not written with a pen, but with your actions. To do nothing is the way to be nothing.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

the goodlife...

i been browsing a few of my frens or just the ppl i know friendster, facebook, blogs.. they all studying overseas.. most of them are in australia.. and some in UK.. their life seems FUN.. is that like that when u go overseas? i always wonder. most of the nights at clubs.. or great meal, various shows.. from gay pole dancing. and apartment, with plasma tv, travel around during break.. that sound great don u think? lots and lots of fun and enjoy themself. i wonder how do they do it? if compared to my campus where lots spend their time in the lib. finishing their tutorial. is our education system be the cause of this? as it stresses TOOooo much on acedemic and neglected the time for student to just chill? or just us student don't know how to manage our time. but anyhow.. the grass seems greener on the other side, and it does leave me in green on envy. but i guess thats life, some are just born with a golden diamond spoon, as for me.. just a stainless steel spon...


shlee88 said...

i'm sure u like the gay pole dancing thing :D

CWL said...

u were born with a stainless steel spoon.

Me, a plastic one.

Anonymous said...

wey.. if u are stainless steel...then then..im..... apa? borned v no spoon!?

appreciate wat u have

Yin Tan said...

Me? I don't mind using my hands to eat KFC. It's finger lickin good.

I'm guessing the anonymous is Kim.

Anonymous said...

forget to leave my name..the anonymous is me..


julian said...

to shlee... the pole dancing is at australia i think...

julian said...

to luen and kim: its not that am not thankful with what i hav, it just i wan more? so it drives me to work harder and harder.. get it..?

and nobody ask bout the kfc...even if u got some sick fetish of licking u r body part,nobody would b interested 2 know lah